Thursday, 9 April 2009

ringa ringa ringa .....ring!

That's my life - going in circles. The things that matter to me are spinning out of orbit. The past 4 weeks have been crazy. I am part of these somewhat high profile 'task forces' @ work. And in these TFs, I am the rookie.

Being a rookie started as an interesting thing - especially considering the last time I was a rookie was a good 10 years ago. That was a different ball game altogether and deserves a separate post.

Anyways, the current rookie-joy lasted about 2 hours into each of the TFs - till I realised how everyone wants to just 'review & manage' while there are very few who build the actual work products. We will call them work horses and I am one of them.

During an average work day, most of my 'seniors' in these TFs go from one meeting to another. For every 4 such people, only 1 contributes at a more relevant level than the other three. These people live in villas, drive nice cars, globe trot & hob nob with the CxOs of the company.

How aspirational it can be for the work horses... and so dangerously misleading too ( I am thinking ). How easily the goal can be - to just somehow get to that place where all that's needed to be done is to 'review & manage' (that too badly) and get paid for that! WTF?!

OK - enough rambling in a tune that's dangerously close to 'grapes are sour, grapes are sour'..

As for the rookie experience - its OK. Except that it's a lot of work on my plate and interesting situations. Like getting reviews done when the work is not read at all by the reviewers, differences in language use that goes into long mind-numbing debates. And getting a sense of what consensus and 'getting people on board' really mean.

Right now, I could do with a couple of extra hours in a day. Miss reading, YTubing, regular home cooked meals, 8 hour sleep cycles, mental meanderings.

Most of all I miss not being continuously connected to Y. We are off-sync right now. Sleep @ different times, go to work @ different times, lost in separate thoughts.

Like I was life's going ringa-ringa-ringa, ringa-ringa-ringa, ringa-ringa-ringa ring!

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